Team Consulting & Workshops

Do you know if your people are thriving within the team culture? What if they could show up every day, knowing the direct impact they have on themselves, their team members, and the organization itself?

Imagine what your team will achieve when they thrive on accountability while having individual autonomy over their work.

Team Consulting

Growing better, together, with clarity and purpose.

​Are you looking to create a company that people want to work - and stay at? Perhaps you want to increase employee engagement through a deeper purpose. Whatever you're looking for, when a team feels safe, it means you've created a fearless workplace, one where they feel inspired to bring ideas to the table. The result? 

People who care about bringing and doing their best. Every. Single. Day.

Below is an overview of how we can help you achieve these types of goals.

Employee Experience

Do your people rave about working for you?

Consulting to understand, connect and enhance your employee experience. 

Typical Outcomes
- improved individual accountability, impact and  job satisfaction
- improved morale and less burnout
- clarity of who does what, why, and how they influence each other
- understanding of functional values to result in  a functional team
- fewer errors in role performance/output.

With a greater employee experience, your aligned team will have less downtime, better connection, and effectively produce better quality work.

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Business Excellence

How are your people impacting your business success?

Aligning what business excellence means for you and your people. 

Typical Outcomes
- clarity on what "success" and "excellence" mean in your company
- increase in happier employees and happier customers
- reduced employee turnover and burnout
- higher engagement, excitement, and more personal investment in company success 
- individual confidence to share ideas for growth.

With clarity around what excellence means for your people and your company, you can expect an increase in realistic and sustainable results. 

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Team Cohesion

Is your team working as one 
cohesive unit?

A company that moves forward together, 
thrives together. 

Typical Outcomes
- identify and remove any present mental clogs 
- access to tools to move through hindering beliefs and mindsets with greater ease
- ability to connect the dots between thoughts, behaviours, actions, and environments 
- mind exercises to step out of overwhelm as it 
- turn uncertainty and stress into creative release 
- provide deep listening practices for greater curiosity and accountability 

With a team that's in alignment, working as a cohesive unit, you'll soon experience faster progression to achieving your desired outcomes.
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Team workshops offered as 

- 2 -3 hour workshops
- 1/2 day intensive
- Full day clarity session

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Coaching offered as

- one-on-one mindset coaching,
- small group coaching sessions (6 or less people)
-3, 6, or 9-month commitment

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How we determine your path forward

Stop solving tomorrow's problems with yesterday's solutions. The following is the first step to determining if the neuro-based team growth approach is right for you.

Discover: in a 90-minute meeting, we gain deeper insight into what you're looking to achieve by removing key pain points in your company's brand, mental wellness, and team connection. 

Customize: your neuro-change solution is customized based on the identified objectives and pain points outlined in the discovery. May include: brand consulting, team facilitation, individual exercises and workshops, before & after score tracking surveys for change progress and areas of improvement, etc.

Begin: we begin with the first phase, customized to your priorities.

Sustain: practice makes permanent. Determine what ongoing support is needed further successful
 business growth &  evolution. 

Book a Discovery Call

Contact BRP
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What Clients are Saying

Lindsay's workshop was an investment in our team. Her facilitation kept us on track and spurred meaningful conversations amongst ourselves that brought clarity to our work and shared vision. We would highly recommend her for steering groups discussions on any topic!

Elizabeth (Liz) MacRae

Co-founder / Head of Partnership, Village Wellth

I have had the privilege of seeing Lindsay in action a few times. I appreciate her candid and humorous delivery of a topic that can sometimes get uncomfortable. Values are deeply connected to emotions and actions, so conversations can get very animated! I hired Lindsay to facilitate a workshop to work with the recently formed leadership team I’m a part of that contained new and long-term members. The outcome of the workshop was an aligned leadership team who held more appreciation for each other and for the corporate values of our organization. It was exciting to see people take away their learnings and readily engage their teams in exploring values themselves. Lindsay’s engagement style is authentic and enjoyable. I would recommend her to any leadership team looking to gain deeper alignment and understanding of each other for the greater good of the organization.

Rebecca Wood

National Director of Sales, MasterBUILT Hotels

The impact Lindsay Harle-Kadatz and her Veracious Values workshop has had on my life is immeasurable. I've attended it twice in the last 6 months and discovered more about myself each time as I dig deeper. When I started the journey of learning about myself, my values, actions and what drives me she was there, asking questions, guiding, listening and loving me through it. I will never be able to repay her for what she has done for my life and the foundation I continue to build on. I believe all people will benefit from spending time learning about themselves, building a solid foundation, and being supported by Lindsay. She is one of the most incredible human beings I've ever had the pleasure of knowing and being in community with. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Lindsay!

Terra Argo

Co-Founder, Your Business Peeps